August 29, 2019

Hurricane Dorian is currently on track to affect us here in Tampa Bay Area this Labor Day weekend. As with all storms, our affiliates managing our servers have been working overtime to prepare themselves for the heavy rains and wind that a storm of this size can bring.

Ryan testing and verifying the emergency infrastructure.

Tampa Data Center Physical and Power Infrastructure

The datacenter itself is rated for a cat 5 storm and 533 Ft above sea level. Please request updates and report current issues before Saturday, August 31st or after Tuesday, September 3rd. During this time, if you believe your server is inaccessible, contact us so we may be able to help. Also on location in the unlikely event of complete power loss there is a building size generator with 3 weeks of fuel and there are 10 network providers out of Tampa.

We will be available during the storm to handle any potential issues that arise.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this weather event and hope that you have a great Labor Day weekend!